Ultra compact Box - 40mm/27mm/21mm
Item Description
Time relay with accuracy from 1 to 150 seconds.
- length - 40 mm
- width 27 mm
- height 21 mm
Wired with 10 cm wires:
Power: + Red, - Black . Have protection against reverse supply voltage.
Normally open contact - TWO white wires
Power supply - 12V DC
Normally open contact - NO - 20A/12V - wired with two white wires
Normally closed contact - NC -10A/12V - not soldered
- Red wire - to contact switch 12V+
- Black wire to - ground - 12V-
- Two white wires - in parallel wiring to front lights switch
Time is adjusted by trimmer
Principe of work:
When power is on, the delay time start, led diode lights. When set time end, the relay is activated and output NO contact is closed, NC contact is open, until cut off the power.
By restart power supply - cycle repeat.
It can be used for example for delay on of car lights. When ignition is start - the timer will wait (1-150s) and then will start the front lights, to save the car battery. When ignition is off - the lights will cut off immediately. The timer need to receive 12V from contact key and output to be wired to front lights switch.
Package contents:
1. Time Relay